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strymon IRIDIUM × Gibson ES 339
strymon IRIDIUM × Gibson ES 339
Gibson ES-339 (Custom Shop): Bluesy jam / guitar demo
Guitar DEMO: Gibson ES-339 (Custom Shop)
Playing the victim - slow minor blues, Gibson 339, Helix Stomp pedal
Epiphone ES-339 Pro et Iridium Strymon - Guitare Vintage - Q&A 07/03/21
66. Strymon Iridium direct into Cubase 11 Fender amp presets using 335
Virtues Lander × Gibson ES 339
Démo Iridium Strymon, Epiphone ES-339 Pro - Q&A 13/12/20
Blues lick in cm pentatonic Gibson Es335 1959 50th anniversary with Strymon iridium
Neo Soul Guitar
XOTIC / Soul Driven × Gibson ES339